Second Draft

for arts internships II

An intern will learn on the job by doing real work with guidance from staff who are paid to do that role

The employer will ask the intern what they want to get from the position and will agree a schedule of work that addresses this

The employer will be honest about what the job involves so the intern is clear about what to expect before they start work

The employer will respect the intern and his or her time

The internship will be empowering and will raise the intern’s confidence

The intern’s contributions and views will be valued by the employer

There will be a clear distinction between the role of the intern and the roles of voluntary workers – namely, an intern is gaining experience to progress in that field whereas a voluntary worker is donating their time for free to support the organisation

The employer will limit internships to two days per week so that interns can either support themselves with paid work or are eligible to claim Jobseeker’s Allowance

Internships will be for a limited period which is stated before the intern starts work

There will be a maximum length of six months for internships before an employer is obliged to pay the intern

The employer will pay travel and lunch expenses and there will be a standard system for claiming these expenses

The employer will be proactive in seeking the intern’s expenses claims

Also, as many interns are also artists, the employer will be supportive of the intern’s art practice

Some queries
- Duration of internships is important, but how should time restrictions be used so that they protect the intern but don’t limit the job?
- Should there be a limit to the number of internships one person can do?
- What could the side effects of these guidelines be?
- Should interns always be paid if an organisation is making a profit? Should the pay be in proportion to that organisation’s profit? Would even a symbolic amount mean an intern would feel more included in that organisation?
- Should interns have a space to publish a rating after completing an internship which then would inform other interns? Could the Arts Council England website administer this space?

Created by Rob Gallagher, Valeria Iacovelli, Elsa Tierney, Darshana Vora and Raymond Wong.

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